Understanding the complete revenue management cycle is a level-setting process that unifies the language, culture, concepts and activities necessary to improve revenue objectives.

Certified Revenue Management Workshop delivered on site

  • The Revenue Management Workshop will assist in developing a unified culture, leveling the collective revenue management IQ and advancing the revenue team’s ability to drive better revenue.
  • The training helps define, build and grow the revenue management culture not only with those directly responsible for the day-to-day activities, but also with all key revenue stakeholders.
  • It is also a great ‘RM for non-RM’ workshop ideal for General Management team, Sales & Marketing team members that collaborate with the Revenue Management team.


The training covers the key concepts, tactics, strategies that are required to postively impact and drive better revenues

  • Importance of Revenue Management
  • Market Segmentation
  • Pricing
  • Forecasting
  • Revenue Management Tactics
  • Channel Management
  • Strategy setting and implementation
  • Limited exposure to intermediate and advanced revenue management cultures.
  • Revenue team members that are new, or less familiar, with the established discipline
  • Stakeholders in need of understanding and applying industry, best practices

It is also a great ‘Revenue Management for non-Revenue Managers’ workshop ideal for General Management team, Sales & Marketing team members that collaborate with the Revenue Management team.

Quick scan aross KPI’s with Advanced Business Intelligence Dashboards


How is this training Delivered

A RevOpt Revenue Management Trainer in a 2-day interactive workshop format with a pre-determined agenda delivers the training.
Authorized training materials are provided as participant resources.

The training is delivered on site by a RevOpt Certified Revenue Management Trainer in a 2-day interactive workshop format with a pre-determined agenda.

What makes Revopt Unique?

Our unparalleled services helps hotels, chains and management companies develop collective
knowledge of revenue management and upskill their teams to drive exponential revenue.

  • Exponential Revenue

    RevOpt helps you to go beyond organic to Exponential Growth by unlocking the true revenue potential to achieve optimal performance.

  • Automated Revenue
    Management System

    Custom tailored to your exact needs. Increased revenues 6%-18%. Multiply profits in as little as 15 minutes per day.  Outperform competitiors by 36% or more.

  • Long-term Profitability
    & Asset Value

    Tailor made revenue optimization solution to create a sustainable growth strategy to increase profitability & long-term asset value.

  • Expertise with
    unparallelled Services

    RevOpt best industry practices, proven techniques, latest trends & strategies that help hotels to challenge the status quo & outperform the competitors.

Get an onsite Revenue Management Training for your team
